Differentiated Instruction

I think that differentiated planning is a great technique to use within the classroom, but how many teachers really try to employ the technique within their classroom.

I think that the video is a great contrast between a traditional classroom with all students learning the same information and then an example of a new classroom with the instruction. In order for differentiated instruction to work in the classroom the teacher needs to employ strategies that will help all students succeed.

My classroom looks very much like the modern classroom in the video with all the students working in groups around the room, but one aspect of the modern classroom that I noticed was that the students looked like they were all working on the same project. In my class they are only working in centers when we are concentrating on a certain topic. The students then rotate every day, so even though it looks like differentiated instruction the students are actually completing all the same work.

There is one student in my class that we have filled out an SST form on and we are starting to modify his work, or make sure that he has support in order to allow for the student to complete his work. These modifications are only made to accompany him so that he can finish his work. The assignments have not been differentiated, but it looks that the suggestions from the SST will ask for my CT to start differentiation in our lessons.

I think that in order to differentiated as a new teacher we need to look at many strategies that are helpful in the classroom. After some research I found this Differentiated Instruction Resource website that gives new teachers resources that can be purchased in CD form with many ideas and lesson plans for the classroom. I know personally that I do not need specific lesson plans that are differentiated but rather a selection of examples that will allow for me to see examples of differentiation and then be able to use the ideas in my own lessons. The differentiation in each lesson plan will not be the same but it will be easier to point out the parts that need differentiation once I start to write more lesson plans.

Our 516 differentiation plan in groups will be great practice for us when we have to start teaching and writing our own lesson plans. I am looking forward to seeing what other people have found and consider to be important in differentiation.

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Filed under Exceptional Children Seminar and Field Placement A

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