Daily Archives: October 12, 2009

UDL in the Classroom

University Design for Learning (UDL) is a topic that I had never thought about in the classroom, but rather had just expected it to be available.  I think that it is very important for UDL to be utilized in order for all students to have the same opportunities.

I think that as a teacher we need to think about our students and how we are going to reach each one with the information. I know that as a teacher I would never expect everyone in my classroom to be the exact same and UDL is the perfect example to show that it is not possible. UDL gives teachers different approaches and thoughts for their classroom.

One example that I can think about with UDL in my classroom is with our visually impaired student. We have a SMARTboard in the room that we use for read alouds. There is an LMO that we connect to the SMARTboard and we enlarge the book. This is very helpful when we dont have a big book. This procedure is beneficial for all the students, but it is mainly focused on the visually impaired student. The enlarged text gives all the students the ability to see the read aloud, and we have noticed that all students enjoy the story more with the enlargement.

I went with my class to the computer lab the other day and they were using a program to learn their ABCs. The program was very visual, there were real life pictures, characters to help the students and sounds. I think that they enjoyed the program because it was very interactive and they were not bored. This program reminded me of the books that we are producing and it made me think of other books and how I can make this project with UDL for my students.

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Filed under Teaching Science in the Elementary School